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June 9, 2019

Since the beginning of 2020, Covid-19 has been wrecking havoc across the world. This virus has brought advanced first-world countries like Italy, France and The United States of America to their knees.
Singapore has also been massively affected by this virus. As of May 12th 2020, Singapore has reported 24,671 cases of Covid-19 out of  which around a staggerinng 90% are from Foreign Worker dormitories. These are the people who have worked tirelessly to build Singapore to what it has become, Marina Bay Sands, Millenia Walk and  Suntec City all are the major skyscrapers which form Singapore’s magnificent skyline. These Migrant Workers have contributed to Singapore world class infrastructure which is coming in handy during these times. In these times we should care about their  well being the same amount as we would for other citizens of our country.
In an effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19, more than 50,000 workers were quarantined and moved to safe locations. Thousands of Migrant Workers were ordered to stay in their cramped quarters, where many rooms had up to 12 men living without air conditioning in this humidity. According to an Interview from the Bangkok Post, one Bangladeshi worker who lives in a Dorm which has had many infections said that-
"One small room with 12 people living together;How can we make Social Distancing?"
The Bangkok Post highlighted that there were numerous cases of poor hygiene standards and workers were forced to use communal toilets and cooking areas. The Straits Times also reported that some dorms had overflowing toilets and rooms infested with cockroaches. All these dirty conditions make a it hospitable for a virus to breed and if these dormitories are not maintained properly then it can have a drastic impact on Singapore's Workforce. 
Read the full articles-  
​However, with regards to Dormitory Clusters, the MOH has been working closely with the joint task force that has been led by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the Singapore Police Force (SPF), Ministry of Defense (MINDEF) and Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). Roughly 1300 workers were moved into segregated facilities in two army camps where they will observe strict health measures,a stagger in meal times and implement social distancing, They will stay in these camps till 4th May.
Its important during this time we stay safe, but we also need to make sure the people around us are safe. Migrant Workers are important to the nation and contribute a lot to Nation Building.
 Is this how we treat our workers during a pandemic?

Singapore: News
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